Alex's World

Now  that  you have decided to take a peek at my world ( and by your own choice too !! ) ,remember that there is no room for complaints.So tighten your seat belts and lets get the show on the road.

At the risk of sounding philosophical, I sincerely believe that we do not give our life the           importance it deserves. Life is a beautiful gift that we have been blessed with and we live only
once. Unfortunately for us, by the time we realise the importance of what we have, it is usually
quite late.

So lets make an attempt to understand and appreciate the importance of this wonderful gift and
make the most of it while we can.

And while we are at it, lets have some fun!! Click on "fun stuff" right away if you are really 
bored and need a bit of cheering up. If you are here to check up on my capabilities, zoom in to "My Work". As for the rest, go ahead and find out for yourself !!

 My Work

 Send your bouquets & brickbats to me